Use of Electronic Resources by National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students


  • Angela Ebele Okpala


electronic resources, students, university, electronic library, library databases


The purpose of this study is to investigate the level of use of library database(s) on one hand and other electronic resources in general by National Open University of Nigeria(NOUN) undergraduate and postgraduate students. The paper seeks to ascertain the perceived effect of electronic resources on NOUN student’s academic achievement. Also, different challenges faced by the students while using these resources were discussed. Through simple random sampling five hundred (500) students were selected from Abuja Model Study Centre to participate in this study. The instrument for data collection was a well-structured and validated questionnaire with relevant items on students’ use of electronic resources (NSUOERQ) . Results were analysed using simple frequencies and percentages. Results showed that on the average 329 (66%) of the students were not aware of the library database(s) and have never used them. Furthermore, results revealed that only 171 (34%) of NOUN students use the library database(s) . Out of the 171 respondents that use the library database(s) , 50 (10%) use it twice weekly, 46 (9%) use it weekly, 25 (5%) use it monthly while 50 (10%) students indicated that they occasionally use it. Results also revealed the different purposes for which NOUN students use electronic resources/Internet. 369 (74%) students use electronic resources for study, 319 (64%) for News, 364 (73%) to check student’s portals, 356 (71%) to do their assignments(TMAs) , 312 (62%) for social network, 326 (65%) to send e-mails, 344 (69%) for the purpose of research, 346 (69%) students use the internet to access NOUN open courseware while 334 (67%) respondents use electronic resources/Internet for updating their subject knowledge. Also 166 (33%) students use I-learn to interact with their lecturers, 223 (45%) to have group discussions with other NOUN students from other study centres, 197 (39%) to have access to educational videos, 223 (45%) to have access to recommended textbooks/journals, 242 (48%) to access past question papers while 253 (51%) visit the site for information that can assist them to do other school assignments other than their TMAs. Results also revealed that 396 (79%) students face several challenges ranging from slow internet connectivity, to epileptic supply of electricity with 381 (76%) respondents, to lack of internet facilities with 355 (71%) respondents, to lack of adequate knowledge of search terms/strategies with 273 (55%) respondents, to oversupply of unnecessary information with 262 (52%) respondents and lack of skill on how to operate the computer with 250 (50%) respondents. Finally, results also showed that 320 (64%) Students find the various electronic resources useful in their academic achievement.

Résumé : Cette étude est une enquête sur le niveau d'utilisation des banques de données de la bibliothèque et d'autres ressources électroniques par les étudiants de premier et de troisième cycle de l’université nationale a Nationale de l’enseignement à distance du (NOUN), dont l'objectif principal est de déterminer les effets perçus des ressources électroniques sur les résultats scolaires des étudiants de la NOUN, ainsi que les différents défis rencontrés par les étudiants en utilisant ces ressources. Grâce à un simple échantillonnage aléatoire, cinq cents (500) étudiants du Centre d'études modèles d'Abuja ont été sélectionnés pour participer à cette étude. L'instrument de collecte des données était un questionnaire bien structuré et validé comportant des questions pertinentes sur l'utilisation des ressources électroniques par les étudiants. Les résultats ont été analysés à l'aide de fréquences et de pourcentages simples. Les résultats montrent que la majorité des étudiants de NOUN ne sont pas au courant de la disponibilité des bases de données de la bibliothèque, ainsi, ils ne les utilisent jamais. De plus, les résultats révèlent que même les quelques élèves qui utilisent ces ressources ne les utilisent pas régulièrement. Ainsi, l'étude a suggéré plusieurs façons d'améliorer l'utilisation des ressources disponibles par les étudiants afin qu'ils puissent en tirer le maximum d'avantages.


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How to Cite

Okpala, A. E. . (2017). Use of Electronic Resources by National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students. West African Journal of Open and Flexible Learning, 6(1), 1–18. Retrieved from



Research Articles